Pensa Study
The PENSA Study is a research project led by the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center (BBRC) and the Hospital del Mar Institute for Medical Research (IMIM). This is a clinical trial that will study whether it is possible to curb cognitive impairment in stages prior to the onset of dementia through the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits and the intake of a preparation based on a component of green tea.
A clinical trial led by the BBRC and IMIM
The study was launched in December 2019, lasts for 17 months and will be attended by 200 people between 60 and 80 years old who are experiencing a decline in memory or other cognitive abilities such as attention, ability to planning, orientation…
Currently there is no effective treatment to stop or reverse cognitive impairment. However, previous research has found certain modifiable factors, such as the control of certain medical conditions (blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, etc.) or lifestyle habits (diet, physical activity, cognitive activity, social participation, etc.) which could help reduce the risk of developing cognitive impairment.
The aim of the study
In this context, the purpose of the PENSA study is to investigate the effect on the progression of cognitive impairment of an intervention based on the follow-up of a healthy lifestyle, complemented with a natural compound of green tea called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
This intervention consists of a personalized action plan based on their life habits and health indicators. Gradually, participants will be helped to make appropriate changes to try to reduce the risk of cognitive impairment.
The study will last one year, but participation also includes a pre-evaluation period of approximately two months and a subsequent follow-up period of about three months.
International context
PENSA study is part of World Wide FINGERS Initiative, an international consortium which is dedicated to the promotion of primary prevention projects for cognitive impariment and dementia. The project is financed with 1 million dollars by Alzheimer's Association of the United States.