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Blood n-3 fatty acid levels and total and cause-specific mortality from 17 prospective studies

Harris WS, Tintle NL, Imamura F, Qian F, Korat AVA, Marklund M, Djoussé L, Bassett JK, Carmichael PH, Chen YY, Hirakawa Y, Küpers LK, Laguzzi F, Lankinen M, Murphy RA, Samieri C, Senn MK, Shi P, Virtanen JK, Brouwer IA, Chien KL, Eiriksdottir G, Forouhi NG, Geleijnse JM, Giles GG, Gudnason V, Helmer C, Hodge A, Jackson R, Khaw KT, Laakso M, Lai H, Laurin D, Leander K, Lindsay J, Micha R, Mursu J, Ninomiya T, Post W, Psaty BM, Risérus U, Robinson JG, Shadyab AH, Snetselaar L, Sala-Vila A, Sun Y, Steffen LM, Tsai MY, Wareham NJ, Wood AC, Wu JHY, Hu F, Sun Q, Siscovick DS, Lemaitre RN, Mozaffarian D


The health effects of omega-3 fatty acids have been controversial. Here we report the results of a de novo pooled analysis conducted with data from 17 prospective cohort studies examining the associations between blood omega-3 fatty acid levels and risk for all-cause mortality. Over a median of 16 years of follow-up, 15,720 deaths occurred among 42,466 individuals. We found that, after multivariable adjustment for relevant risk factors, risk for death from all causes was significantly lower (by 15-18%, at least p < 0.003) in the highest vs the lowest quintile for circulating long chain (20-22 carbon) omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic, docosapentaenoic, and docosahexaenoic acids). Similar relationships were seen for death from cardiovascular disease, cancer and other causes. No associations were seen with the 18-carbon omega-3, alpha-linolenic acid. These findings suggest that higher circulating levels of marine n-3 PUFA are associated with a lower risk of premature death.

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Harris WS, Tintle NL, Imamura F, Qian F, Korat AVA, Marklund M, Djoussé L, Bassett JK, Carmichael PH, Chen YY, Hirakawa Y, Küpers LK, Laguzzi F, Lankinen M, Murphy RA, Samieri C, Senn MK, Shi P, Virtanen JK, Brouwer IA, Chien KL, Eiriksdottir G, Forouhi NG, Geleijnse JM, Giles GG, Gudnason V, Helmer C, Hodge A, Jackson R, Khaw KT, Laakso M, Lai H, Laurin D, Leander K, Lindsay J, Micha R, Mursu J, Ninomiya T, Post W, Psaty BM, Risérus U, Robinson JG, Shadyab AH, Snetselaar L, Sala-Vila A, Sun Y, Steffen LM, Tsai MY, Wareham NJ, Wood AC, Wu JHY, Hu F, Sun Q, Siscovick DS, Lemaitre RN, Mozaffarian D; Fatty Acids and Outcomes Research Consortium (FORCE). Blood n-3 fatty acid levels and total and cause-specific mortality from 17 prospective studies. Nat Commun. 2021 Apr 22;12(1):2329. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-22370-2. PMID: 33888689; PMCID: PMC8062567.