Data Center
The Data Center, composed of a multidisciplinary team of experts in data analysis and management, neuroimaging and programming, works to provide high-quality data management procedures throughout the lifecycle of data in research projects. This encompasses all stages, starting from designing data collection tools, to their implementation and execution, and the cleaning and delivery of the datasets to researchers.
The facility is also in charge of the design of procedures to maintain the integrity of the data while adhering to Good Clinical Practices (GCP) and legal restrictions, and ensuring the integrity, traceability, and quality of data management and analysis. In this regard, all data collected at the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center (BBRC) follows the four rules of the FAIR Data principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of digital assets).
The work of the Data Center is essential for researchers to analyze, hypothesize and draw the main conclusions of their studies. Its team is immersed in a huge digitization process, which allows the management and collection of this data to be agile, reliable and, above all, to be shared with research centers around the world.