What if Alzheimer’s disease could be treated using young blood factors? This was the focus of the talk that Dr. Marc Suárez-Calvet, researcher at the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center (BBRC), gave on September 27 at the Urgell Civic Center (Barcelona). The presentation took place within the framework of the European Researcher’s Night, a scientific dissemination event that brings the most innovative research in several areas closer to the general public.
Dr. Suárez-Calvet began its conference by highlighting that age is the main risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. He explained that some experiments have been carried out on animals that show that there are blood factors that are associated with brain aging or rejuvenation.
The researcher explained that this relationship has not been demonstrated in humans yet but this is being studied in the BBRC based on data from the participants of the Alfa Study, promoted by “la Caixa”, and in other interest groups, through the BioAlfa. The objective of this research is to find a treatment that slows brain aging and, therefore, Alzheimer’s disease.
The European Researcher’s Night takes place in 300 cities in Europe and is supported by the European Comission as part of the Marie Curie Actions, a program to boost careers of European research staff. University of Barcelona (UB) and the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) led the meetings in Barcelona, with a program of up to 150 activities, between September 26 and 28.