Ten Kate M, Redolfi A, Peira E, Bos I, Vos SJ, Vandenberghe R, Gabel S, Schaeverbeke J, Scheltens P, Blin O, Richardson JC, Bordet R, Wallin A, Eckerstrom C,
Molinuevo JL, Engelborghs S, Van Broeckhoven C, Martinez-Lage P, Popp J, Tsolaki M, Verhey FRJ, Baird AL, Legido-Quigley C, Bertram L, Dobricic V, Zetterberg H, Lovestone S, Streffer J, Bianchetti S, Novak GP, Revillard J, Gordon MF, Xie Z, Wottschel V, Frisoni G, Visser PJ, Barkhof F
Background: With the shift of research focus towards the pre-dementia stage of Alzheimer's disease (AD), there is an urgent need for reliable, non-invasive biomarkers to predict amyloid pathology. The...